Ancient Reproductions

Thanks so much for stopping by. I realize that in addition to looking at our animals, that you might be curious about who the actual people are that produce the reptiles you see here. Understandable. Where you wondering what is up with the gardening pic? I wanted to show you that in addition to reptiles, I’m also passionate about growing plants and producing some of our own food in a way that is friendly to the earth we live on. Here on our small farm we do things like composting our snake and rodent waste, routinely survey for and remove invasive plants, while always striving to be as water conscious and energy efficient as possible. I also want to do any small thing that I can to help the local wildlife that visits or calls our property home. I believe most of the time, this is about just leaving some areas undisrupted while fostering things like plant diversity wherever you can. These are just small things we do to minimize our impact while we enjoy this fun and rewarding opportunity to work with amazing plants and animals.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email me. I look forward to hearing from you!

Thank you!